Wednesday 27 July 2011

It hit me with a wallop! or don't drink the milk

Amidst the gimmicks of DJ sets and the ventures into the wasteland of Elvis' movie-career this blog hasn't had a 'traditional' posting for some months. So it's time to rectify that with a hoovering up of this weekend's purchases from the fandabydozy Vinyl Demand in Sheff (Check it on Twitter and Facebook folks). Much madness abound this weekend with pissed teenagers in town and crawling from Junior without even starting on the craziness in Camden and the misery in Norway.

An amazing unheard track for me from Red Bird's Roddie Joy which took me by great surprise. I would say this is as good if not better than the oft- played out 'If there's anything else you want' and is certainly cut from the same cloth. No Red Bird orig this time but a strange flipping of the orig A's/ B's on the Stardust reissue. The flip of this little bute is the fantastically-titled Mary Wells-esque 'Love hit me with a wallop'.

Roddie Joy- Come back baby
Roddie Joy- Love hit me with wallop

I'm fairly firm on the strange popularity of anything with a latino-beat out there in DJ land. You could play a latino version of the birdy song and the plebs would dance to it! So stuff has to be good to get it's self in Den's good books. This is one such tune which is a great double- header with the non- youtubeable track 'At the party'. Pete Terrace bills himself as the 'King of boogaloo'. Maybe the Fantastic Johnny C might have summat to say about them apples..

Pete Terrace- No, No, No

It's May 15th 1993 and Sheffield Wednesday are playing in their first FA cup final since 1935 and I head off to the Octagon to see PJ Harvey & Gallon Drunk at one of the best gigs I've ever been to. As I mentioned at the start only just snaffled this and as you can see she didn't play it on the night but you'll find it on the B of 50ft Queenie which was the lead off single for 'Rid of me'. I always remember me and Jacqui chucking fags at the bass player from Gallon Drunk (or maybe that was just me); being drunk on cheap cider; and it being blistering hot. Wednesday went on to the lose the cup final folks!

Rid Of Me / Naked Cousin / Primed & Ticking / Highway 61 Revisited / Yuri-G / O Stella / Dress / Wang Dang Doodle / Me-Jane / Victory / Man-size / Snake / Sheela-Na-Gig / 50Ft Queenie / Rub 'Til It Bleeds / Water.

PJ Harvey- Reeling

And so I watched 'Suspicion' after Mark lent it to me following an evening of me looking perplexed as he called everyone 'Monkeyface'. Yup, it was pretty good and Cary Grant was by far the best thing in it but scoot round the innernets and you'll see that the ending that felt like a cop-out really was!

Suspicion trailer

The two-time blogged Nasty is back with the sort of routine that makes you think 'why haven't I seen that before?'. The lady that brought you the car alarm fan dance and the champagne class/ coffee cup routine  brings a fresh twist to the oft- weekoldcorpsestinkingsnoozefest of a fan- dance, which, in the hands of a mere amateur becomes just another chopped-meat face wannabe flailing around like she's trying to take off. I'll not ruin it for you Denettes but watch closely and wait until the very end- Smokin'!

Nasty Canasta- The unknown stripper

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