Heading in to the long summer lull of non- Burly Q action and it's time to pick myself and dust myself down to snarf up some new stuff. I hit gold at the flea market with one at the flea market and one on the tube that was talked about in the great Joe Di Maggio book by Richard Ben Cramer. So were on short-time this week but I'll return to the coal face v.v.v. soon
I've really over-egged the Den pudding in the past with lots of Cliff eggs but left his square backing band to one side...that is until now! I like nothing better than snarfing a hot side from the flea market, particularly when you feel like you're getting a bargain that the schmo selling them don't know about. This one is backed by the mysterious sounding Maroc 7 which doesn't get much better than the title. This one is from '67 and reminds me a little of the glam rock beast that is lurking on the horizon 4/5 years later. The Shads do glam? Now that would be worth a listen. Remember tho folks: you can get your fingers burnt on these dudes. If it don't fly on the first listen it's destined for the charity shop/ dumpster.
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