Have you ever met anyone who dislikes Dino? Most of them would struggle to name one of his songs other than the ubiquitous Italian restaurant staple “That’s amore” so it’s down to Den to educate Joe Q. Public. This is from an LP called “The Dean sings” that Den reeled in from a car boot sale back in ’98. This a bright, summery tune that flies by and is perfect to banish the reality of a cold, dark, dank, stinking Sheffield January…And yes, that is a thumbs up from Den!
Dean Martin- In the cool, cool of the evening
I once heard Frankie say that you should never hitch your cart to a fad or a novelty as you’ll end up looking like a schlub. Well he must have had a very big plate to eat his words from when the 47 year old, rug wearing Francis Albert cut this side back in ’62. Ol’ Blue Eyes was hitchin’ his wagon aboard the twist craze and he pulls it off with some aplomb! Who gives a monkeys if Frank is a skinny ass desperado…this is the cats ‘jamas!
PS- I couldn't keep this one under my hat...Ava Gardener upon being asked "What are you doing with a 120 pound loser like Sinatra?"..."Well" she said, "20 pounds of that is cock"!
Frank Sinatra- Ev'rybody's twistin'
And so to Sammy…the vertically challenged one eyed, black, Jew who is constantly being saddled with cheap clichés and stereotypes that mean that tunes like this get buried on the b-side of something called “The second best secret agent in the world”. It’s hard to describe this…is it a late night Vegas, finger-clicking lounge number, a northern soul beat ballad…I dunno? Who cares this is one real gone lacquer cracker that makes me want to buy more and more Sammy…He can sing, dance and like Joe Q I find him hilarious as the priest alongside Dino in “The Cannonball Run”.
Sammy Davis Jnr- If you want this love of mine
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