Wednesday 1 April 2009

Den is back!

Yes, it's been 3 and a half weeks since Den last ventured onto the web to share his musings but without the tools for the job you can't dig a hole. So, normal service is resumed...what have we got? Buddy, The Moontrekkers, The Teddy Bears, Peggy from Mad Men and Chris Cross! Den has the thirst for bringing you the best of the best of the best and it's unslakeable...!

So Buddy Holly with teeth I hear you ask...I was a sceptical Den when I saw the title of this one "That Tex- Mex Sound!" and I laughed it off as a cash in after he croaked, but this is a hot fiery uptempo rockabilly rocker that served me well down at "Rumble" last Friday.

So a Joe Meek production that had been laying in Den's vault for a couple of years from the EP issued by Castle called "Vampires, Cowboys, Spacemen & Spooks". I mean how can you resist with a title like that it's enough to give Pavlov a headache. Anyway, this is probably my fave Meek instrumental, though the German Spaceman track takes some beating...I'll save that for another time, meine liebling!

And finally The Teddy Bears, another record from a future wacko-producer in the shape of Phil Spector's band. I snagged this from a dealer friend of mine who's been feeding my addiction via long-distance mail. I've long been slow at flipping the hot circles to check out the B-sides but this one has a surprisingly good guitar intro and is a nice little ditty, even if the lyrics are a little bit wetter than a crocodile's waistcoat pocket.

Den has a new sweetheart in Peggy Olson from the fantastic "Mad Men" that he's just digging. Despite the varying quality of her bangs and her "mouse" ears and the mistake of letting Pete slip the Pete in just before his wedding, Den knows she's a good girl at heart. Oh what he'd do for a "basket of kisses"and a time machine into a fictional alternate universe! Oh yeah, in our world she's called Elisabeth Moss and she's a Scientologist and all that good stuff is padding or as they call it in Hollywood a "fat suit".


Stuff like this makes Den's stomach recall a Death Valley Buritto he ate back in Hell's Kitchen in 2001 but you've got to doff your cap to someone who's that bendy....!

See him do his stuff on "Britain's Got Talent"

Remember to switch off after a minute or so as there is a tedious ad at the end...!

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