Busy times in chez Den these last few week with new arrivals and sleepless nights. It has provided me time to catch up on a number of CDs (Don't get me started on 'Trout mask replica')/ TV shows (Whites, The Walking Dead, Teachers) that I've been meaning to knock down these last few months. So here's what's been frying the wig these last few...
Just been listening to the Brian Wilson productions CD and this one jumped out at me. I'm not sure if there is another British version of this out there but this sounds v. familiar. The good students amongst you will pick up that this is a prototype for the future Beach Boys hit "Darlin'". Give me this any day over the constant '80's fest on VH1 which seems to have 'Kokomo' on every time I switch on the one-eyed lodger. Can Mike Love really play the sax?
Girls and monkeys! Great vid from Elv's best LP of the noughties...
A rockin' Elton? Elton on Den's blog? Let 'em riot is what I say! This guy hasn't been cool since about 1975 which a recent Beeb 4 doc used as a cut off point for his career which suits me fine. I'm told this is on Grand Theft Auto. This one is smokin' and from the strangely titled 'Rock of the westies'