In Den land things took an unexpected detour down a dead end last week but with the schnoz firmly to the grindstone now he's back churning out his weekly editions of guff-like prattle and noise. So tune in those cab doors pop-pickers and open those windows on the eyeball pleasers...
First out of the traps is everyone's favourite crooner to be blown up by the Nazi's- Al Bowlly. He's been one of my £1 bargain LP snags of late and there's been a few docu's about him on Radio 2. They tell me this guy was the first vocalist to operate a hand mic...he's got a lot to answer for then...seriously under-rated everywhere but in S12 Al deserves your TLC.
And on to the smokin' palamino that is Jane Russell singing I song I first heard on the isle of Maui last August, not only heard folks but actually learnt to play on the uke! So imagine my surprise when I found this version...Burly Q fans should look out for our July show for a little Hawaiian interlude!
What can I say about this flick? It would appear in Den's dictionary under 'Eyeball pleaser' for it's sheer beauty and stylized greatness along with the bizarre sight of Gene Kelly speaking French. However, it's a load of fluff that goes nowhere. The best bit comes 1o mins when Catherine Deneuve sings this ditty with her sis "Les Chanson des jumelles"...take it away gals...